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Fashionable Travel Tips For All Season

While you travel stay abreast with the latest trends, weather conditions and local culture of your destination country. Families look forward to summer vacations and plan in advance for their travelling destinations. However, most often than not, we tend to carry either a lot of stuff or unwanted clothes with us in the absence of knowledge on the weather and trends of the destination country. We need simple fashion suggestions to dress well for various destinations, ranging from beach to someplace cold and everything in between. Unpack the misgivings  Of course, you are bound to make silly mistakes whilst planning your attire for holidays. Meha Bhargava, Image Consultant and founder of Styl.Inc, thinks people start making mistakes right from the process of packing. “Packing is a creative process; some packing mistakes could be travelling probably with a wrong bag to begin with, and then packing mindlessly, not packing enough double duty items, less underwears, not being prepared for va

Hair Care Hacks And Tips For Travel

When you are travelling, your hair faces a tough time. Hair care tips while travelling is one of the things that should come to your mind even before you plan your travel. There are many factors that take a huge part in damaging your hair starting from air-conditioners, city smog or pollution, bright sun, salty sea water and whatnot.

You cannot control the surroundings but you can prevent your hair from getting spoiled. And not only should you take care of it during the travel, but you should also start well before your travels and possibly continue after you are long done with travelling. Here are few hair care tips that will help you take care of your hair and keep them healthier while on the go. 

Hair Care Tips While Traveling

Oil your hair
Oiling your roots and tips is the best source of nourishment you can provide your hair with and the best hair care tips while travelling that we can provide you with. Argan oil or coconut oil is just beyond perfect for your hair.

Coconut oil has essential fatty acids and vitamins that provide nourishment and also removes sebum produced by hair follicles. Also cold pressed oils are less processed which make them more nourished. Cold pressed virgin coconut oil is the best thing you can find.

Argan oil is often used as a hair treatment.

Argan oil also treats the damage done to your hair by artificial chemicals in hair treatments these days. Whenever you oil your hair, make sure you keep it for overnight, if overnight is too much for you at least try to keep it for minimum 4-5 hours because that is the minimum time that oil will take to get absorbed in your scalp or tips. 

Wash your hair
If you are travelling and decide to wash your hair, you should do it one day before and let your hair air-dry. Washing your hair the same day you are travelling allows dust to stick to your wet hair and the city pollution will make it dry. So plan your hair wash a day before travelling. Also, if you use a hairdryer to dry your hair and you are concerned about the damage that is usually done by it, here is a bonus hair care tip while travelling for you;

Hair Accessories
Always prefer to wear hair accessories like headband, hat, scarf etc. So that your hair is not exposed to all the dirt and dryness that can damage your hair. Beautiful scarves are available in the market these days that will look amazing with your travel attire and also provide protection to your hair. This probably is the fanciest tip in the list of hair care tips while travelling.

Use Serums
Girls are fond of different hairstyles like straightening and curling. Especially when a girl is travelling, there always will be a curling iron or straightener in her luggage. So here is a tip, use a serum before you use any hair damaging source to your hair. L’Oreal hair serum has proven to be magic. It not only saves your hair from damage but also nourishes them. It is available in all sizes online. Boys do not need serums; coconut oil is enough for your nourishment, don’t be greedy. 

Shampoo and Conditioner
Hair care tips while travelling is incomplete without them. Make sure you are devoting enough time on choosing your shampoo and conditioners. Shampoo industries put alcohol in shampoos these days because alcohol is cheap and easily available. Never ever buy a shampoo which has alcohol in it. It will only make your hair dry. 

Dry Shampoo
There will be days when you won’t be able to wash your hair or you’ll be staying in guest houses which do not provide shampoos and conditioner. Try carrying your shampoos along with you in small carryable bottles, if not use dry shampoo.

Spray it over your scalp and damp and let air dry. It will make the extra oil on your scalp vanish. If you don’t have a dry shampoo with you, carry baby powder. It absorbs all the oil from your scalp.

Sun protection. 
Just like your skin take care of your hair from the sun as well. Protect it from the sun by using hair protection serums. Hair serums for sun protection are the most important tip amongst the other hair care tips while travelling.



Sonipat, Haryana, India
My name is Rajesh and I'm currently pursing BSc Airlines Tourism and Hospitality and when it come to tourism, I'm a sucker for it. I love everything associated with tour and travelling whether it be hospitality or wandering, almost everything...

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