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Fashionable Travel Tips For All Season

While you travel stay abreast with the latest trends, weather conditions and local culture of your destination country. Families look forward to summer vacations and plan in advance for their travelling destinations. However, most often than not, we tend to carry either a lot of stuff or unwanted clothes with us in the absence of knowledge on the weather and trends of the destination country. We need simple fashion suggestions to dress well for various destinations, ranging from beach to someplace cold and everything in between. Unpack the misgivings  Of course, you are bound to make silly mistakes whilst planning your attire for holidays. Meha Bhargava, Image Consultant and founder of Styl.Inc, thinks people start making mistakes right from the process of packing. “Packing is a creative process; some packing mistakes could be travelling probably with a wrong bag to begin with, and then packing mindlessly, not packing enough double duty items, less underwears, not being prepared for va

5 Things You Must Never Do While Traveling

Rely on English to Get You by

Even if English is the international language, and chances are that someone speaks a few words of English where you’re going, learning a little of the local lingo is not just a question of practicality, it’s also a question of respect, cultural sensitivity and self-improvement.

Not Have a Plan B

When you’re travelling, you always need to factor in some uncertainty and mishaps along the way. The route you were planning on trekking is shut, or there’s a local bank holiday today, so you can’t visit the museum you had planned. Keep something up your sleeve for when things don’t quite work out as they were supposed to.

Be Ignorant of Local Customs

There’s just no excuse these days. Not being at least minimally aware of the most important cultural norms and rules in the country you’re visiting is not just ignorant, it’s also dangerous, as breaking these rules could potentially land you in trouble with the authorities or locals.

Stick to the Guidebook

Unless you’re visiting somewhere notoriously dangerous for foreigners, you’ll want to ditch the guidebook and get out there to explore on your own at some point. Of course, this can mean running the risk of the odd bad meal, or a bit of a boring detour, but it can also mean discovering somewhere amazing that you would never have set eyes on otherwise.

Fly Everywhere

If flying is the fastest way to get around, it also means you miss out on a lot of scenery along the way. Consider flying the longest distances, but then opting for trains or buses to make shorter trips. You may not cover as much distance, but you’ll get a much more in-depth appreciation of the area you’re exploring.

Not Know How to Get Home

No matter how much fun you’re having, how wild the party has got or how far away from home you are, always keep track of how you can get yourself back to your own safe place if you need to.



Sonipat, Haryana, India
My name is Rajesh and I'm currently pursing BSc Airlines Tourism and Hospitality and when it come to tourism, I'm a sucker for it. I love everything associated with tour and travelling whether it be hospitality or wandering, almost everything...

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